8. Language

According to my family, since I was little I started to speak basic English words like colors and numbers, because I watched cartoons in this language, so when I entered kindergarten, I already had a slight knowledge. In my school English was taught from the moment you entered until you left, so I always had a close relationship with the language. 

I consider it a complex language, in school I had a hard time with the verb "to be" and its variants, so I think I understand and read it better than I can speak and pronounce it.

My girlfriend passed on to me the habit of watching movies and series with subtitles to better understand the language, I have seen long series like The Office in American English and Ted Lasso in British English, when we go to the cinema, we prefer to see the movies in the original language, which a couple of years ago I disliked.

This semester I have enjoyed the English course and Professor Simon's activities, since it allows free dialogue on everyday topics. This semester I have developed all the activities with my friend/co-worker Gabriela, which has allowed me to develop my pronunciation with greater fluency when speaking among friends.

The English language is and will be fundamental in my professional development within the career of Architecture, since nowadays most of the research papers are in this language, due to the fact that English is considered a global language.

One aspect that strikes me about the culture of English is the similarity with Spanish, in the sense that depending on the global location, a word and its pronunciation can change a lot. Spanish varies a lot between countries in Latin America and English varies a lot between countries like USA, UK and Australia.

Michael Scott of The Office is me trying to speak English (sometimes lol)


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