12. Something You Enjoy Doing Outdoors

My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bicycle. My bike is an Oxford mountain bike that has been with me for the last 10 years. As a child I never learned to ride a bike until I was 10-11 years old, when I received this bike as a Christmas present. 

As a child I spent summers at my grandparents' house in Alhué, on the outskirts of the Santiago, so that summer (2013-2014 I do not remember very well) I dedicated it to learn to ride a bike, so that since I learned, it became my favorite summer afternoons in the countryside, with my aunt and my younger cousin we went out to ride and enjoy the landscapes of Alhué almost every day.

In 2020, before the pandemic, I decided to bring my bicycle to my house in Santiago, to go to school in what would be my last year of school, as we all know, the pandemic arrived and I was able to go to school 5 days by bicycle. When it was possible to do physical activity in full pandemic I began to make a circuit that I do to this day, from my house in La Granja to Panul Park in La Florida, which are 15 kilometers round trip, I try to take advantage of every free time to make this journey and keep the habit of cycling for my physical well-being. 

The last time I rode my bike was a couple of weeks ago, when university life was not so stressful.

Among the longest rides I have done were to San Jose de Maipo (in the summer of this year) and once in 2021 that together with a friend we went to the Bahai Temple (which unfortunately was closed) so we decided to improvise a tour of Santiago, from the Intercommunal Park of Las Condes to Puente Alto, both rides were approximately 60 kilometers.

Video of the tour around San Jose de Maipo-Pirque (summer 2023)


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