15. Final Blog

 Hi everyone!! This is the last blog of the semester so i feel nostalgic.

This semester was very stressful but with good company, it was pleasant too, so in summary it was a little up & down. It was my fifth semester in FAU and i continue in streak of aprobated courses (although I doubt that it will continue at the end of the year because i haven't receive the final marks).

The subject that i like the most throughout the semester was "Problematization and intervention urban-territorial" and "Workshop 5: Contextual intervention", this subjects are relationated with the work in terrain in the city and neighbourhoods (Barrio Franklin) and landscape intervention in a rural village (Maria Pinto).

The subject that i found most complicated is "Architecture & Earthquake", this is a technology-line subject and have a lot of numbers and equations that is very bored and i don't like (also, i think that i did badly in the final test). Another subject that i found bored is "Critique of Arquitecture", the content of the subject really interested me, but the professor explained in a very bored and despot way.

The best moment in the semester was when with my group of friends went to "Belly Beach", this is a trip that takes place when you are in the half of carrer, it was the first time that students of FAU organices the trip so we take advantage of it, this was a weekend with a lot of food, drinks and dance. 

Among my best marks, i consider a 5.5 my best mark in the semester (i had better marks), but it was in the course of Critique, and the professor is famous for make very difficult tests, i studied a lot for this so i consider this a achievement. (i hope pass the course, that i also think that i did badly in the final test). 

The persons that makes this semester more pleasant were my girlfriend Camila and my friends, mainly Tomás, Gabriela, Victoria, Catalina and Camila R., with they, the laughs wasn´t lacking

For the next semester, in first place i hope to pass all the subjects (I have not yet received the final marks) and then i hope to decide finally two things: the specialization that i would like to do in the carrer and decide to make the gestion and try the opportunity to do the student exchange.

Thanks for go all the way :)

(i don't find photos with they in FAU lol)


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