
15. Final Blog

 Hi everyone!! This is the last blog of the semester so i feel nostalgic. This semester was very stressful but with good company, it was pleasant too, so in summary it was a little up & down. It was my fifth semester in FAU and i continue in streak of aprobated courses (although I doubt that it will continue at the end of the year because i haven't receive the final marks). The subject that i like the most throughout the semester was "Problematization and intervention urban-territorial" and "Workshop 5: Contextual intervention", this subjects are relationated with the work in terrain in the city and neighbourhoods (Barrio Franklin) and landscape intervention in a rural village (Maria Pinto). The subject that i found most complicated is "Architecture & Earthquake", this is a technology-line subject and have a lot of numbers and equations that is very bored and i don't like (also, i think that i did badly in the final test). Another subject t

14. Test Practice

 In today´s blog. I´m going to write about the practice tests we just did.  The matching test was made easier for me because it is so thread concepts between people and the description of the courses that appeared. The other test that was easy for me was the fill in the gaps test, because i feel that it is easier to fill in options than to fill in gaps, like the Book Review, that i did not like to do. Thanks Simon for sharing study material !! :)

8. Language

According to my family, since I was little I started to speak basic English words like colors and numbers, because I watched cartoons in this language, so when I entered kindergarten, I already had a slight knowledge. In my school English was taught from the moment you entered until you left, so I always had a close relationship with the language.  I consider it a complex language, in school I had a hard time with the verb "to be" and its variants, so I think I understand and read it better than I can speak and pronounce it. My girlfriend passed on to me the habit of watching movies and series with subtitles to better understand the language, I have seen long series like The Office in American English and Ted Lasso in British English, when we go to the cinema, we prefer to see the movies in the original language, which a couple of years ago I disliked. This semester I have enjoyed the English course and Professor Simon's activities, since it allows free dialogue on everyd

12. Something You Enjoy Doing Outdoors

My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bicycle. My bike is an Oxford mountain bike that has been with me for the last 10 years. As a child I never learned to ride a bike until I was 10-11 years old, when I received this bike as a Christmas present.  As a child I spent summers at my grandparents' house in Alhué, on the outskirts of the Santiago, so that summer (2013-2014 I do not remember very well) I dedicated it to learn to ride a bike, so that since I learned, it became my favorite summer afternoons in the countryside, with my aunt and my younger cousin we went out to ride and enjoy the landscapes of Alhué almost every day. In 2020, before the pandemic, I decided to bring my bicycle to my house in Santiago, to go to school in what would be my last year of school, as we all know, the pandemic arrived and I was able to go to school 5 days by bicycle. When it was possible to do physical activity in full pandemic I began to make a circuit that I do to this day, from my house in La

11. A Chilean Landmark

Today i'm going to write about a landmark in Chile that I liked too much when I visited. In summer of 2018, i went on a trip with my family to Valdivia, it was my first trip to the south so I was very excited. The place of the city that i liked the most was the Costanera. My family (grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins) and I traveled by car for about 10 hours. We rented a cabin on the outskirts of the city and drove to the landmarks of the city. Some places that we visited was Niebla Fortress, Corral Fortress, Punucapa Island, Botanic Garden of Universidad Austral, among others. The city of Valdivia has beautiful natural landscapes but the Costanera brings together all the beauty of the city, in this landmark we can find some building constructions that brings heritage to the city like the Valdivia's Catedral, Municipal Market, Pluvial Dock and Pluvial Fair, Focault's Pendulum, O'Brien Submarine and some museums like the Navy Museum. I loved this landmark, since

10. A Little Bit Of Chile

 Today i'm going to write about a place in Chile that i would like to visit again. I have always thought that to get to know the world, you have to start knowing your own country, there is no better place to travel than throughout Chile. I only travelled Chile from some places in the south and La Serena in the north,I still have a long way to go. I went to Villarrica and Pucón twice, in 2019 summer, with my family (father's side) we travel by car from Alhué (in the south of Region Metropolitana) to this places about 8 hours. In this trip we stayed in a big house in the outskirts of the city, from this place we visited some places like Pucón, Lican-Ray, Pucará, Coñaripe and Caburgua, we enjoy and swim in the lakes of this places. Also we visited the mountainside of the Villarrica Volcano and collect remains of volcanic stone. This first trip lasted 6 days and I enjoyed all the adventure, from the landscapes to the food, because it was my second trip to the south after Valdivia i

9. A Family Member

 Today i'm going to write about my brother Iván. Iván is my brother of the same mother but different father, but we have lived together all their lives. Iván is 9 years younger than me, he was born in 2012. He is a cheerfull, smart and affectionate, but very introverted kid. He is the middle brother, because we have a younger sister named Pascal, she was born in 2014. Since he was a child, Iván has a very sensitive temperament, so he must be treated with care and affection. As a child he liked to play with toys like cars and draw, today he likes to play Roblox in smartphone, watch history videos in YouTube, draw and play chess. Iván reminds me of me when I was a child, not only because of the similar physical, but also because of the hobbies and things he likes. That's why as an older brother, i try to transfer my interests and knowledge, i help him with homeworks, we watch movies together and i constantly ask him about the things he likes. I 'm his christening godfather. W